Safety and Security of Software Using Machine Learning in Cyber-physics System
Date Arrangement&Address

Oct 24, 2022 - Wuhan, China

Topics of interest include development, analysis methods, technologies, and machine learning models to enhance the reliability, safety, and security of software in CPS, and are not limited to:

1. Reliability, Security, and Safety of Software in CPS
2. Deep Learning for Program Synthesis
3. Inroads in Testing Access Control Using Deep Learning
4. Vulnerability Management
5. Modern Software Quality Assurance
6. Secure Development Life Cycle
7. Security Architecture and Design
8. Software Security Using Deep Learning
9. Privacy-preserving Machine Learning and Data Analytics
10. Intrusion Detection Using Machine Learning
11. Testing, Verification, and Validation Using Deep Learning
12. Software Quality, Metrics and Measurements, Estimation and Prediction of Quality/Reliability
13. Dependability, Survivability, and Resilience Study
14. Supporting Tools and Automation in CPS
15. Empirical Study in CPS
16. Novel Interdisciplinary Research in CPS